Do You Trust Your Service Providers?
Although it is the service provider’s job to protect personal and confidential information it seems that when there is a data breach or documents are n0t securely destroyed, the people who are paying the most for that are the customers. Even if these instances are rare for businesses, improper document destruction happens each day leading to identity theft and confidential information released to the public.
This was the case for a welfare agency last week where revealing personal and financial details of clients were found lying around at a suburban railway station. There were 23 clients affected by this loss as their birth dates, phone numbers, relationship details, home addresses, and financial information were found by the public. The welfare responded by stating,
“Department staff deal with tens of thousands of customers every day and these types of incidents are extremely rare.”
Although these instances are rare, they happen every day around the world. It is important that these cases are brought from rare to not at all so that customers are adequately protected. Protecting customers is about creating an information protection plan to ensure that there are no gaps in your systems and that you are taking all measures that you can to ensure that an instance like the one described here does not happen to you or your customers.
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