Port Moody City Hall SHRED-A-THON (BC)
Are you ready for another amazing SHRED-A-THON? Because we sure are!
The Rotary Club of Port Moody (BC) is holding a community shredding event on October 2, 2021. In collaboration with Tri-City News and the City of Port Moody, the event will be held at Port Moody City Hall from 9:00 am until 1:00 pm. The Rotary Club provides service to others by advancing world understanding, goodwill, and peace through the fellowship of business, professional, and community leaders. Their motto ‘Service Above Self” reflects their efforts in enhancing the quality of life within the community and around the world.
Clean up your space by bringing your old paper documents to the event and we’ll safely shred them for you. Please do not bring plastic photos, CDs, or any metal items to be shredded.
Help us spread the news to your co-workers, neighbours, friends, family, and everyone in between to help us make a difference!