BEST Shredding Vancouver is Re-certified as a NAID AAA Service Provider
BEST Shredding is proud to announce that once again, the Vancouver & Lower Mainland branch has successfully been re-certified for our NAID AAA Certification.
“The NAID AAA Certification Program is a voluntary program for NAID member companies providing information destruction services. Through the program, NAID members will be audited for mobile and/or plant-based operations in paper or printed media, micromedia, computer hard drive destruction, and/or computer hard drive sanitization. Under this program, the certification application and associated fees cover only individual locations. If a NAID member operates in multiple locations, each location must pass the audit to be certified. NAID members who receive certification must specify the location certified in company literature when referencing the NAID certification program.” – NAID Canada
In order for BEST Shredding to maintain it’s AAA status, NAID requires BEST to go through ongoing audits that are conducted by accredited security professionals. The re-certification process also ensures that BEST Shredding is following the strict policies and procedures set out by NAID. BEST is proud to be providing a great service to our customers in the Lower Mainland and ensuring that we are making all of the efforts possible to protect the confidential information of our communities.
For more information on our NAID AAA Certifification go to: